Visit Sweden at World Expo
As an intern at Humblebee I was part of Hive, a student lab with a multidisciplinary team. I was the Product Designer in the team, consisting as well of a UX-designer, business designer and two developers.
We got a request from Visit Sweden to promote Sweden as a tourist destination at the world expo in Dubai, through some digital solution.
Through several workshops we investigated and ideated how this could be done in different ways. We also set up a number of interviews with people from all over the world, with little to no experience of Sweden. From these interviews we drew some conclusions:
- People spend a lot of time researching and becoming inspired before they book anything. This is the most important part for most people when planning a journey.
- They usually co-plan their trips with groups of friends.
- There are basically two types of travellers: the ones that plan everything in advance and the once that decides the details once they have arrived.
- Most people don't know there is a country named Sweden, they just think it's a different way to pronounce Switzerland. :)

We figured an app would be suitable since it can be used in a campaign at the World Expo in Dubai, but also usable for travellers not present at the expo. The app would act as a source of inspiration and make people aware of Sweden as a tourist destination.
Through sketches and iteration and feedback from both interviews and experts at Humblebee, we presented a solution where users could choose from different aspects, like city or nature, forests or ocean, calmness or pulse etc. They would then swipe left or right on different activities and places based on their preferences, and the ones they swiped right on would end up in a list that they could share with friends.

The MVP was presented to Visit Sweden, but due to Covid the World Expo was cancelled. But we got a great looking app that worked pretty well and a lot of experience working with this project.
We later saw that Visit Sweden was inspired by our this-or-that-take and made a campaign with messages like "What do you long for? City pulse or Country side?".